It was so darn funny listening to them Jamaican accents, and speaking da patoi, which funnily reminds me of me grandma, who was born in no other but Jamaica, da land of reggae. (Tis whole accent thing is so infectious! Me now slurrin' me words and slowin' me speech pace with da imaginary breezy reggae music at da background! Yah Mann!)

She’s got an old Jamaican passport with her baby photo in it. It’s priceless, really. Back then, da day when she was born in da hospital, they need an English name to register her birth, so da nurses in the hospital actually helped in coming up with a name, and her name, complete with a middle name, kicks arse mann!
Clarice Carmen.
Uhm hmm, that’s me grandma’s name. Me have been thinking since young that maybe me should adopt her name for me future daughter. Heh.
Me have also always thought that had me great-grandpa not fallen ill and was not on his death bed, maybe he would nebba request to travel back to China on a ship that took months to arrive.
And maybe me grandma would actually grow up there.
And maybe she would marry a local tall, 6-packed-abs, muscly-arms, strong Jamaican man.
(uh, not to say that my actual grandpa is not the above, he’s actually a very sweet… actually I’ve never met him in person… but from the pictures and stories, I can say that he’s more of a studious, goody-2-shoes sorta nice man.:)
And me father would actually be a Mista Dominique Lauren Jamaican something…
And maybe me would have those dark olive skin and sexy ringlets me so talked about!
And me name would be Maxine Lauren Jamaican something…
And me would be roaming the beaches in ma bikinis with ma pouty lips, ma big brown eyes, and uh… ma mountainous… front…?
Just… maybe :)
Hey Leishia. I think that's a cool name too. Thank you for listening to us and hope you enjoyed our Jamaican show.
O_o star-struck. star-struck. STAR-STRUCK!!!! *_* hehe
LOL thanks jj! u simply rawk! thanks for making traffic jams every darn morning so enjoyable! keep rocking!
name your coming baby clarise carmen then. very pretty name. :D
eh, tak bleh copy bulat bulat lah. i'll just adopt her first name as my future-daughter's second name. hehehe
wow cool names, sound like orang putih. Are you mix??
hate to burst ur bubble, but heck, i'm 100% cheena
huh, my grandma was holding a jamaican passport too...her family was said to be doing business there as well before migrate to sitiawan, perak...
serious?! so cool! my grandma's family back then was doing business there too... and in suriname i heard....
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