Being different has always been a tune I sing to, well as much as I can! And for my wedding, I’m glad I have my hubby to duet with! Heh.
He’s been a sport and took all my idealistic concepts in and tried so hard to accommodate to. Thanks largely to him, most of my ideas were able to pull through and made a difference, and hence, leaving behind a string of sweet memories for us to savor up to our ripe old age.
Here I’m going to share a few things and who knows! Maybe you’d like my idea enough to incorporate in your events, or better yet, weddings!

This is my favourite. We used a birdcage in replacement of a ring pillow. The cage was bought from a flea market at The Curve's Streetmarket.
I loved it so much, Jason had to part with RM50.00 for it. That’s a splurge, I know. But I love it!
The cage is now a deco on our coffee table, with 2 mini teddy bears in groom suit and gown in it, and a mini plateful of mints!

This is a banner Jason’s colleague got for us for free! We hung it right at the road junction where guests turned into the parking lots, so they could confirm yeah, this is the place.
It reads: You Made It! We’re So Glad To Have You With Us, along with our picture, names, time, date, and venue.

This one is Jason’s “vision”. He saw it in his mind when we were scouting for venues, and came right to this foyer at Equatorial, Bangi-Putrajaya.

We contemplated many other options, one was suggested by his very helpful friend cum bestman, Kevin P, to print curtain-like backdrop on perforated material, so that the glare from glassed wall will not annoy the guests and at the same time, the wonderful view will not be blocked out. It’s a good idea, in fact we may use it as curtains for our home, but it is one costly idea though.
So finally we decided on this one, with the help of the hotel designer, we had this up and it was stunning against the sky!

This backdrop idea was from Jason too. He was flipping through wedding magazines and came across one that is similar. After communicated with the hotel’s designer, this was the elegant result. We still have the doves with us at home. Recently we lend it to another couple who was getting married too and they love it!

We had striking gerberas dotting the aisles. My parents and I went flower shopping a day before and bought these lovelies. I then had a friend who’s amazing with floral arrangement to do this for us.
I really love the splash of colour! I don’t remember how much the gerberas cost me, but I only bought a dozen of them. Do scout and buy from wholesalers instead of your usual neighbourhood florist which will save you loads.

This, is the program I designed, printed on white paper, and had Jason photocopied by the bulk. David Bong was a sweetie in helping with the alignment. And it came out quietly striking.
There’s this little boy & girl figure holding hands walking towards eternity image at the bottom of the program which was not shown here. That’s the special touch I so adore.
The papers was bought from bookstore around the range of RM4.20/60pcs.

The handmade flower cones were made by my friend, Stephanie, it was really quick and easy to roll them up. Just make sure of the size of the

cones, cut the papers to halves (or whatever size deemed appropriate) and then roll! You can get the coloured A4 papers from all bookstores for a couple of dollars.
The flowers were bought together with the gerberas and it was a bag of assorted flowers (mainly orchids, which lasted forever!) for RM8.00. I had wanted rose petals which were relatively cheaper, RM1.00 per handful, but then again, I guess it’ll come back to the same: handful vs bagful.

And my favours! They are lollipops in assorted colours. I don’t eat sweets, but I don’t know why I love the sight of lollipops so much I had to have it in my wedding. Wanna know my earlier, idealistic…uh, idea? I wanted a candy bar!!! So badly. A candy bar with big ass lollipops, popsicles, jars and jars of jellybeans. Yes, even though I don’t eat them. :)
I had cupcakes towers at my buffet lines but alas, I don’t have any pictures of them. I didn’t even get to taste them! :(

The necklace was my aunt’s. She wore them during her wedding! They are faux diamonds but totally lovely and blingy! I also love, love, love the earrings, they are my sister’s. Price RM 29.90. (They’ve since become my birthday present! Hehehehhe)

And that’s my beautiful veil. Yes, MINE! Not from the bridal shop. It was a gift from my ex-colleagues from Debenhams if I got the spelling and name correct. Priceless. And I had white roses as my hair accessory.
your wedding a Equatorial Bangi? Wah seh.. I love the japanese food Kampachi restaurant there.
haha, lets meet up for a session of kampachi goodies!
what a lovely wedding ceremony you have both must have a lot of ideas on how to turn your own wedding into a memorable one...
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