I popped cherries for the first time! O_O

I had durians after soooo long! And now I feel a bit sick. +_+

I get to have bak zhang finally! I almost lost hope of tasting it this year!

I’m so craving for a good old cheese sandwich now, preferably with ham inside! :D

errrr....why is popping cherries a lewd joke? I don't get it. Care to explain?
joh! this also want to ask!
dash underscore dash sweat sweat sweat
I seriously do not get it. What is wrong with popping cherries into one's mouth?
People pop sweets, M&Ms, prawns, etc, into their mouths. So what is wrong with popping cherries? Tell tell tell!
eric: in case u still wanna noe...google it.. =.='
leishia and her lewd jokes... forgive her...she just got married..lolz!
eh! leave me on out on this ok! married or not married, i'm... uh, as lewd! lol :x
huh, durian and bak chang are my favourite back in Malaysia...
oh tell me bout it! i can eat bak zhang for every meals! and refrigerated durians for dessert every day!!!!
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