Call it what you want, to start the new year, to start the Chinese new year, to update owing to my ahem, readers, myself, or just to make sure there’s a journal somewhere about my life for the sake of my great-grand-children. Ha. Ha. Whatever it is, I’m back! Erm, hopefully lah har.
So, yeah about the update. See, I was holding back from blogging thinking that I’d post and talk about my Cambodia trip first, with pictures, but! The pictures are still with Simmy, and guess what, the trip happened like, in June 2009! :D
Since I can’t talk about the trip, because no pictures (pictures – important, you see!), so I’ll talk about my life! I’ve officially gone on freelance now! So if you have any writing, translating, proofreading gigs, look my way! And of course I’m always on the lookout for new ventures, so I’m open on that front too (feels like I’m coming back here to advertise myself only. Haha. But seriously life can get really boring in between projects -_-)
Other than that, I’m just trying my level best to be a responsible pregger woman. *gasp* Yes lah, pregnant lah, and no, I do not look like an elephant thankyouverymuch. And that also means, you who cares to read this blog, are going to be promoted to be an uncle or an aunty, hoho. I’m like 6.5 months along now, so that’s like 3.5 more months to go! *freaking out!!!*
We’ve yet to buy a single piece of baby furniture, nor a single piece of baby clothing, or any sort of baby related stuff.
But hey, a new year, a new journey eh? :]
OK, I think my blogging quota is up already! I can now go reward myself with a can of shandy! >.< what? Baby loves shandy ok! *shifty eyes*inches off*
*inches back* I guess it's not too late to wish all of you a very happy Chinese New Year! Gong xi gong xi!

heh .... congratulation wor ... become mummy soon ...:P glad to hear this news from u , no wander u been missing in action for so long .... y ?? how's everything??? boy or girl ar??? anyway ...take k and rest more more .... i beat u not a giant saiz like me when i pregnant ..... :P
take k and gong xi fa cai
no worry ... u surly love ur motherhood !!! trust me !!! :P
ng sai kan cheong !!!! :P
wow! anggie! u are super fast! haha! thanks girl, i hope all's well with ur lovely family too! :D
And woman? How do you figure 6.5 + 3.5 = human baby gestation period? Doesn't that make it 10 months, or have you some secret formula to stay pregnant until the desired date? XP
Anyways, be good you! And replylah on facebook...wanted to give you MOAR FLUFFY STUFF. Bahahaha!
Take care, AUNTY! I shall kacau you on Sunday. >=D
yes. i'm alive. -_-
yes. i blogged. -_-
i know right. amazing! haha
eh go google lah, it's actually memang around 10 months lah. go ask ur mom. besides, if i were to be due on end of may, then when u look at the calendar now, sememangnya i have 3.5 more months to go what!
dahlah my math is bad, pls stop confusing me already! T_T
Hahaha! Sorry sorry! 3.5, 3.5. Anyway, don't wait till last minute to get your stuff. That's what happened to my mom. My grandmother passed away a month before my mom's due date, so my brother arrived early, and she had ZIP.
Ultimate stress?
Don't take chances. Go shopping! Go Shopping! That, or hold a baby shower. XP And bat your pretty eyes at the aunties in church, I'm sure they'll point you in a good direction.
OMG back to blogging! hahahahahahahahaha! that red dress makes u really make u look like siu pregger la!!!!!
ps. where got we never ask u out.. is u dowan go out with us liao =.=
hmm, i like the idea of baby shower! but right, malaysians where got "heng" baby showers wan. -___-
OMG back to blogging alright! eh, how come u got time to read blogs wan? arent u like, very busy now? nyehehe
siu pregger! haha! love it! eh but that never-ask-you-out line was quote unquote from erm, uknowho! ok, nehmind, i is siu pregger, not siu hei guai. nehmind! teehee!
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