We’ve had our bridal pictures taken on the 2nd of January 2006; and I thank God for that. When we signed up for the package (which includes everything from all the gowns that I need, Jason’s suits, photography session, albums, framed pictures, bridal car deco for 1 + 10 cars, to hand bouquets), we paid the down payment, and then during the day we took our photos, we paid another one third, and then finally, on the day we went to choose the pictures, we paid the final one third, meaning, by now, our payment with the bridal boutique is off the list, yay! One payment less to worry about!
I kinda dread dealing with local bridal boutiques. They all have but one intention in mind: profits. I mean, OK, profit is important, you are after all, doing a business here, but hey, whatever happens to the good old “your happiness is our priority”?

Good thing we did our home work by visiting about 10 boutiques before we settled with the one where the gowns I like best. And then, we both sat down and designed our own package and budget instead of taking the packages the boutiques shoved to us. When we went to choose our pictures, they purposely scheduled it in the evening near to closing time so that we can just close our eyes and quickly choose; and then the best part was while choosing, the sales girl started introducing different layout for the albums, when we agreed with the layouts, she’d casually mentioned that’ll be another couple of hundreds. Oh was I pissed. I kept mum and refused to talk to them for the rest of the evening, Jason and I discussed a lot and finally we prodded them to give us another 21 different poses for the 5R album, without touch ups for RM 380 (we didn’t look so bad without touch ups lah! In fact, it was natural and pretty!), which is a rather good deal.
And now, for 2.8k, we got 6 gowns and suits for photography session, 1 different wedding gown and suit for our wedding ceremony, 2 evening gowns for the reception / dinners, 1 large framed photo, 3 framed table-top photos, 1 large album and 1 5R sized album with a total of 46 damn different poses (as oppose to just the standard 25 poses for all 2 albums), and of course, the package includes the standard stuff like the corsages, bouquets, car deco, and… stuff.
So our advise is, always do your home work before hand, and then do a summary of what you both really want, set your budget and create your own package instead of letting them package you (and remember to press for a discount!), and when its show time, be firm and stick to your own decisions and never ever be swayed by their half hearted sweet talks, because really, they couldn’t care less about your happiness. Oh and finally, communication, always, always communicate with your spouse to be; even if it means you both have to quarrel to get the point over, do so! Its better you both fight over it and come to a mutual ground rather than letting others dot you guys around.
You’d appreciate the quarrels a couple of years down the road after the wedding day…
I kinda dread dealing with local bridal boutiques. They all have but one intention in mind: profits. I mean, OK, profit is important, you are after all, doing a business here, but hey, whatever happens to the good old “your happiness is our priority”?

Good thing we did our home work by visiting about 10 boutiques before we settled with the one where the gowns I like best. And then, we both sat down and designed our own package and budget instead of taking the packages the boutiques shoved to us. When we went to choose our pictures, they purposely scheduled it in the evening near to closing time so that we can just close our eyes and quickly choose; and then the best part was while choosing, the sales girl started introducing different layout for the albums, when we agreed with the layouts, she’d casually mentioned that’ll be another couple of hundreds. Oh was I pissed. I kept mum and refused to talk to them for the rest of the evening, Jason and I discussed a lot and finally we prodded them to give us another 21 different poses for the 5R album, without touch ups for RM 380 (we didn’t look so bad without touch ups lah! In fact, it was natural and pretty!), which is a rather good deal.
And now, for 2.8k, we got 6 gowns and suits for photography session, 1 different wedding gown and suit for our wedding ceremony, 2 evening gowns for the reception / dinners, 1 large framed photo, 3 framed table-top photos, 1 large album and 1 5R sized album with a total of 46 damn different poses (as oppose to just the standard 25 poses for all 2 albums), and of course, the package includes the standard stuff like the corsages, bouquets, car deco, and… stuff.
So our advise is, always do your home work before hand, and then do a summary of what you both really want, set your budget and create your own package instead of letting them package you (and remember to press for a discount!), and when its show time, be firm and stick to your own decisions and never ever be swayed by their half hearted sweet talks, because really, they couldn’t care less about your happiness. Oh and finally, communication, always, always communicate with your spouse to be; even if it means you both have to quarrel to get the point over, do so! Its better you both fight over it and come to a mutual ground rather than letting others dot you guys around.
You’d appreciate the quarrels a couple of years down the road after the wedding day…
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