And the best part is! They are going to rebate us!!! Yes, we’ve been paying faithfully for one year even though we couldn’t, for the life of us, go online/ fix the problem/ be bothered to go fix it. Actually we did. See, Jason went to tmnet shop one day thinking the CDrom to install the dialler is not compatible with our Windows OS because our lappy is running Vista. Then the counter girl, with the most innocent face ever (okok, I’m just assuming since I wasn’t there -_-), asked,
“What is Vista?”
What is Vista? WHAT is Vista?!!! WHAT IS VISTA???? =_______=
We saved our breath, walked away, and called a tmnet technician instead.
Oh look! I’m starting my long-winded blogging already! :p So yeah, cut cut cut! Let’s get started with the tag (Jared, this is how we do it dude!) from Cerlyn! She’s super cool, with a super sweet but not overly sweet makes you want to puke voice! I like! My New Year resolution is to imitate the way she talks! xD
10 things found in my bag:

> Wallet
> Name card holder
> Marley & Me (I’m coming to the end of the book :( Marley’s so old already he’s dying soon T__T)
> Makeup pouch (not like I make up, but the amount of lipsticks in there! Fooh! Can open shop lol oh and eye drop! Very. Important!)
> Pen drive
> Pen and notebook and papers
> Loopy earrings!
> Hair clip(s) and scrunchy
> A digital camera (is going in there soon. No. I’m not kidding! -_-)
10 things found in my purse:
> Money (if it hasn’t run out, that is. Duh. Cos I’m very used to running out of cash and won’t give a damn and Jason has to refill money in there but he’ll take away all my coins T_T man, why he liddat wan. He’s officially appointed the cash-refiller of my wallet! Haha!)
> Endless supplies of receipts (when the appointed cash-refiller hasn’t done his job in cleaning out the receipts. Hmph!)
> All sorts of cards that gives me to-die-for status in the society.
> Tattered tiny picture of us printed out on paper 3 years ago. (My wallet is ACTUALLY a key holder with pockets for cash and coins. So it’s kinda… tiny. In a way…)
> Coins (when Jason doens't take 'em all away T__T)
> …
… it’s really THAT small.
10 favourite things in my room:
This one is a little tough. I practice detachment. Ohmmmmm But we’ll try.
> My side of the bed!
> My pillow!
> The walls! (This is a given cause Jason made his colleagues to come and paint the room with him before I moved in officially! He had ‘em in olive green, one of my favouritest colour, albeit a layer too many. Haha!)
> A chocolate box which I insisted my ex-boss to give me which I’m using to store my accessories junk now.
> The fan (and future air conditioning unit. This has got to be my favourite thing in ANY room for that matter! Don't care lah how spoilt you say I am!)
> My white furniture set.
Obviously I’m running out of things to favourite in my room… so that’s enough for now.
10 things I’ve always wanted to do:

> To do end-seasons shopping in Texas (cos people say it’s really cheap) and Europe like a true blue yuppie but remain dignified and not broke.
> To have a face and not worry about pimples T_T
> Being a girl
… I think I’m really not an ambitious person! I can’t think of anything else to do! T____T
10 things I’m currently into:
> Empire waist-cut tops
> Cheese
> Eating healthy.
> Uh, bowel movement. (Yeah, yeah I know, gross. But, remember, a good bowel movements make you a happy baby! I’m all about happiness this year!)
> Mika’s happy songs!
> Curls! I’m gonna get those and be a real aunty soon! Straight hair’s just totally BORING people! *YAWN*
> Marley & Me
> Being happy!
Marley and Me was my favourite book last year. I don't want to give away the ending for you but I cried. You should also check out James Dobson's "Dog Stories". Equally as good.
Oops, I meant James Herriot
u cried at the ending?
starting from the time when the lightning struck john i've been crying ever since whenever i pick up the book OR whenever i relate the incidents to Jason. i'll be reduced to a pool of tears. T___T
oh btw, thanks for the recommendation! :)
wahh! >< sounds like such a tear-jerker! ><
hey gal~ thanks for doing da tag!! ^^ aww ur so sweetlar!! >< aiyohz i'm super cool meh?? >< *blush blush* nolar...^^
0.0 how do i talk??
anyways! thanks for doing the tag! hehe u added the pictures and everything...looks so nice!
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