Life at work is a little crazy and I feel everything - work, social, church, personal life - life in general, is kinda jumbled... in a way. Sometimes I feel as if I'm wayyyy too free that I NEED to be with friends, go out constantly, just BE out, you know; some other times I feel as if life's happening wayyy too fast with too many things going on at the same time I couldn't cope. Why ah! Zzz!
Was supposed to be at my aunt's place for dinner before a meeting, but because of miscommunication and miscalculation of time, I couldn't make it to dinner without being late to the meeting, so ended up Jason went alone. When I came out from the meeting and SMSed my aunt to apologize and thank her for the food (she tapau-ed for me!), she replied back saying "you're welcome. it's not good to take food at odd hours, don't do it so often". And I. just. totally. broke. down =.= Trust me to do things like this. =__='''
Ah yi, this is a bit geli lah I know, but hey, if you're reading this, THANK YOU for everything! (erm of course, hi mom! hi grandma! THANK YOU too for EVERYTHING!!! :D)
Sigh. I *think* I need a holiday.
So let me quickly finish up the last batch of pictures from Bkt. Tinggi so that I can go dream about my next holiday now! Weeee!
At 7 in the AM, we were woken up by this...
How vibrant! They were all sweating and panting from all the singing and jumping but their spirit was SO high! Everyone was smiling jovially, singing with all their hearts, and dancing like there's no tomorrow in celebration of a God so full of grace, mercy, and love! I was so touched seeing them worshipping without a care of how others would think. I mean, that's how it should be, right? Jesus willingly died on the Cross for us because He so loved us! And yet all we can give is mere lip service, mouthing the songs week in and week out, standing there, refusing to move *shifty eyes* Do we even mean what we sing? Haiks!
Coffee *love*, meehoon goreng, sausages, bulls' eyes (so many biji you know! x_x I'm afraid we are now overdosed on hormone zzz no wonder I see Jason is acting a little
And then the guys went for a dip! Like, a real

Curry chicken, stir-fry vege, omelette (more eggs! mm hmm!), rice, and breakfast leftovers.

This was taken after one last round of prayers and worship. It was raining just before and the view was magnificent! Except, we have the vietnameses who just came back from their workshops totally ignoring us and talking on top of their lungs, and was busy preparing/chopping up fruits for their bonfire at night while we sang our hearts out -_- ZZZZ
To be able to spend time with God is a super priviledge. In the name of busyness, we shut Him out and we drown His voice, I'm guilty as charge. But how much He longs to hear from us!
Sure, the first steps are always cold, insecure even. But once you step out and take the plunge, you'll know that He is there to catch you, He is there to envelope you with so much of love and grace, you'll wonder what you've done to deserve it.
He took the first step for us, will you not also take your first step for Him?