This was taken @ Janda Baik... a small commercial hub/town along the highway. There was a commercial farm there. And to see the tourist kids playing in the river water got us all eeuuwwwified... I mean, remember S#1 and S#2 from up there? /swt *shifty shifty eyes*
Room service! I grew until so big, never had room service in my life before ah T__T Kak Puteri Bukit Tinggi is the best lah! She made my dream come true!
Ayam merah, assam fish, sawi goreng telur dadar, soup ayam dan sayur, watermelon. My tummy's growling now :/
... just to drink cold drinks in the cold! Besides, we needed the "Starbucks" sign board to show off to whoever's online on msn... that we are drinking cold drinks in Starbucks... in Genting Highlands... Yayaya, I know lah, get a life mah -___-
And that ends our first day in Bkt Tinggi/Genting. I'm actually stealing time before work starts/lunch time/ after working hours to post these pics up T___T so sad lah, no more freedom! Abolish ISA!!!!!!!! OK. gotta go back to work!
Pt 3 tomorrow lah! Tatatillatar!
haahaha..so funny the cam-whore pics..hahahaha...so sakai ler..but don't have your pics wan?..hahaha..
nice place wei..bukit tinggi where again?
drinking starbucks in genting is really something different lor...serious wan..
the 2nd picture where donny posing with jason, donny looks abit like kenny sia...
Who's this Kenny Sia?
Kenny Sia looks like me lar... the lucky fella. Hahahaa!!!
Wei wei... asked to share pics not share them with the world... wadisthis? WORLD WIDE WEB some more.
mm.. nothing's wrong with your pictures la.. the colors and composition are both fine.. like what cerlyn said, and whatever cerlyn says counts.. so... mhmm..
although i can see you didnt work the curves which would have upped the contrast and saturation.. hahaha... ;)
but anyway, just to spam your blog and be "ming yan", i have to say,
1) donny's face is distorted in the picture about him getting knocked by the signboard.. you know why? cause you took his picture up close using wide-angle.. look at gabby's rubik's cube post for another example of this..
2) the picture of those grassy thingies that you said you liked but could have been sharper? well, the blur bits are known as bokeh in photography, and people pay a lot of money to buy lenses to achieve that effect.. you can of course control how much sharpness you want to go along with the blurness.. and i can teach you how to do that for a cup of starbucks.. ;)
is all.. =D
Update! Update!
Other pictures are seriously overdue!!!
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