1) Where it all happened. 2) six.4.one at work. 3) Tickets fresh from the oven! Excitingness!
The 6in1 641 production that took place recently in my church reminded me of my schooling days where I was all hot for theatre and plays. Uh, being the audience though, not the actor. I have stage fright. Hehe.
The youth and the young adults were an incredible bunch to pull the whole thing through. Essentially, “641” means 6 plays for 1 purpose. And with that one purpose, everyone traversed differences and became one body, one voice, one heart. So touching isn't it?! (T__T)
Through out the whole time, I was standing at the back of the sanctuary, just breathing in everything from corner to corner. It was astounding! The lightings, the people, the plays, the sea of audience, the UV lights, the sound, the smell of dry ice, the “presence”…

1) The guy's back from sailing, and this is the look you get after spending 3 nights with Jack Sparrow. 2) Nah, Edmond aka Mr. T, don't say I didn't mention you here ah! 3) I rescued the tall fella from the 641 tshirt disaster, but no, he never credit my hard work. Cis! And now you turned in a kangalulu! Wahahaha
When the lights were dimmed for the actors to come to live, I started trying so hard to hold back my tears, alas! It was in fact a difficult task. All because, Esther’s crying and shouting for help was so… real. My heart ached hearing her cry. And then Ai Vee. Urgh. Sakit hati betul!
But God’s love for us was, is, and will be the good news! The purpose of these 6 plays is to bring across the message of God’s love to the world. It was so touching, my tear duct was on full swing again +_+

1) Each and everyone of their finger prints were on the sandwhiches you ate the other night. Teehee. No wonder tasted a little too saltish hor? 2) The Spot Leishia Contest 3) Next time I wanna be the makeup artist! Mwahahaha
OK, I’m a cry baby lah, I cry at everything on the first count lah. -_- Now shattap and ogle at the pictures already!
The youth and the young adults were an incredible bunch to pull the whole thing through. Essentially, “641” means 6 plays for 1 purpose. And with that one purpose, everyone traversed differences and became one body, one voice, one heart. So touching isn't it?! (T__T)
Through out the whole time, I was standing at the back of the sanctuary, just breathing in everything from corner to corner. It was astounding! The lightings, the people, the plays, the sea of audience, the UV lights, the sound, the smell of dry ice, the “presence”…

1) The guy's back from sailing, and this is the look you get after spending 3 nights with Jack Sparrow. 2) Nah, Edmond aka Mr. T, don't say I didn't mention you here ah! 3) I rescued the tall fella from the 641 tshirt disaster, but no, he never credit my hard work. Cis! And now you turned in a kangalulu! Wahahaha
When the lights were dimmed for the actors to come to live, I started trying so hard to hold back my tears, alas! It was in fact a difficult task. All because, Esther’s crying and shouting for help was so… real. My heart ached hearing her cry. And then Ai Vee. Urgh. Sakit hati betul!
But God’s love for us was, is, and will be the good news! The purpose of these 6 plays is to bring across the message of God’s love to the world. It was so touching, my tear duct was on full swing again +_+

1) Each and everyone of their finger prints were on the sandwhiches you ate the other night. Teehee. No wonder tasted a little too saltish hor? 2) The Spot Leishia Contest 3) Next time I wanna be the makeup artist! Mwahahaha
OK, I’m a cry baby lah, I cry at everything on the first count lah. -_- Now shattap and ogle at the pictures already!
1) Freaky Resto - here's one waiter you don't want to mess with. 2) Oi! Shtopit! Shtop spinning tum-tum-juen! You are making me dizzy! 3) Wei! I just want to give a kiss oni mah, why everyone turn away woh?!

1) Bee ah maan and join da klu! Just laika me yo Beng! 2) The spot Leishia contest part II
All pictures are taken from here and here.
oi..got any videos of the presentation?...show lar...
lol...kangalulu is cool man! lolz... so...er... unique...hehe!
alvin... drop by d Alfa blogs.. vidoes coming soon... www.alfaexpressions.blogspot.com
Hi L--ah, so you cry at the drop-of-a-hat? So cute.
Sounds like quite the production. Thank you for sharing this!
alvin: yeah, do dropby at the the youth's blog at www.alfaexpressions.blogspot.com
jap: u bet kangalulu is cool... handscum some more ;)
frank: uh... at the drop of a hat, a feather, pants :x! yeah basically yeah, everything. lol
lol..u get after-shocks after sailin' for copule of days..hahaha...
btw, its captain jack sparrow and not just jack sparrow..
woots! jared in the house! :)
errr, aye, aye... captain!
This is going to be weird but... OMG we watched Transformers together! I thought you and your husband looked familiar when Donny introduced us...
I don't know if you remember, but you visited my blog before and left a comment :)
OMG!!!! YES!!! IT WAS YOU!!!! LOLLL THe world is soooooh smalll!!!!! OMGG!!!!
*ok henceon i cant stop using exclaimation marks ade*!!!!
Ok this is super late but..
My name was mentioned in your blog! =D *uber lameness*
I want linky. To the youknowwhatwebsite. XD I make this sound horribly wrong.
And I shall stop the spam. :)
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