There was going to be a *surprise* party thing - Jason and the gang was to be the surprisers, and I, the surprisee. And well, honestly? I did kinda know there’ll be one, because I’m sharp and I pick up wind fast. Hehe! And I’m secretly smitten!
And then on Saturday afternoon, I overheard Jason on the phone.
“Hmm…. Yeah….. I never thought of that….. yeah, yes yes…. Oh… yeah lah. Yeah lah. Thanks for pointing out…. Yes….”
And I knew my party is no more!!!! *BAWLS*
Sigh. Apparently someone pointed out to him that this is *our* first anniversary, and how sure is he that I want to have a party? SIGH! Well how sure is *he* that I don’t want a party wohh *pout*
But then I knew Jason was disappointed too because he’s spent lots of time trying to pull things together but in the end he had to call it off. Oh well!
Anyway we both took the day off on 17th. And being the coolest husband that he is, Jason let me sleep-in in the morning while he woke up early to clean up the house PLUS wash the bath and the toilet! You so rock! And made coffee (*heart*) before waking me up (but I woke up before that and saw him doing all the woman stuff in the kitchen, and quickly tip-toed back to the room stifling my laugh and pretended sleeping. Hehe)
*insert meal time*
Movies in the morning when everyone else is working is always awesome! Although Ratatouille was a little blah; but as long as I don’t need to be in the office! Hahaha!
*insert snack time*
I think it was somewhere during The Bourne Ultimatum’s trailer,
An exasperated Jason: Me! My show!*huff & puff* I’m watching THAT show! It’s my show! *huff & puff* Not some RotiTelur show! *sulk*
Aww. He meant Ra.ta.tou.ille.
*insert coffee break*
OK, so
*insert meal time*
We sneaked into a cinema hall showing Hairspray when Nickki Blonsky was crooning “Oh Oh Oh Don’t Make Me Wait. One More Moment For My Life To Start. Good Morning Baltimore!!!!”
*insert snack time*
And finally, we had I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry to end the day. I love Adam Sandler’s lame humour! Oh, lots of eye candies in the movie so it’s not very children friendly. So, people like Jap, Dohnie, and RedJar, wait till you grow older, hokay?
*insert meal time*
So there! Not a very *happening* day, but I LOVE every bit of it! We got to eat loads, talk loads, watch loads of movies with
Oh I wish everyday is anniversary day!
You know what, whether it’s 1st anniversary, or the 20th birthday, or even just another Monday, celebrate it like you would welcoming a newborn.
The fact that we are awake and breathing, it’s a miracle already
So when was the last time you took time off to spend with your loved ones? Believe me, it’ll worth every second of your 1 day annual leave. Really!
Well, Happy Anniversary y’all!

Psst. I have
*is suddenly very nervous*
haha! dun be lah! we are VELY easy to work with. YOU DA BOSS! Hokay? :)
Congrats on your first anniversary! I wish every day was anniversary day too :( Next round can bring me along ah?
haha! tag along! we can order MORE food to share! and in case u feel paiseh, you have a role to play - our photographer! nyahaha!
the thought of u tip toeing back to yr room n pretending to sleep is so hilarious keke
that is so so for sharing wei..
your husband is really
Hi L--congrats on your first and many, many more (smile)!
lol apalah! hilarious pulak! hehe
so sweet? lol erm, hokay. nah, go learn, make sure u clean the house, ur dream girl sure love u long time wan, some more no need crack head write poems in foreign language. hehehe
thanks so much! :)
tee hee...what surprise you 'terbongkar' pulak? *wink*
happy anniversary larr...!!! ^_^
Eh, nola... Ratatouille rocks! SOH farnee, I thot!
Why am I included in the list of people who need grow older??!!!
*Don't know if I'm supposed to feel insulted or encourgaed*
abby's mummy:
hor! ur trying to use reverse psycho on me? hehehe i wont fall into ur "ham jieng" wan!
ratatouille no rock lah. anyway, u SHOULD feel encouraged! bcos we all lub u longggg time!
me so farnee! i cant stop lubbing everyone longggg time! LOL
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