Well hey this time around, guess what I got.
Just guess lah T_T
No one gets it better than me T__T

A FREAKING FATSO CATERPILLAR IN MY WANTON MEE!!!!! All plump and juicy and wriggled up in my wanton mee!!!!!!!! T____________T
Yay! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY?????????? WHY LIDDAT WAN?!!!!!!!!!
Puchong! Is that how you welcome your new resident?!!!!!!! >(
Tragic is me :'(
Poor leisha..So did you complain to the fella? =)
whoa! leishia can really draw! seriously.. if i am not mistaken u used paint to do the drawing..! haha!
caterpillar... yucks! for us yucks! for people from other nations.. its a delicacy ler..
or...maybe..... its a side dish?
and i didnt forget our date this saturday(man...date sounds so wrong..but who cares?)
my goodness!!!
lei sha if that happend to me !!
i think i will just faint on the spot!!
ew...green colour somemore!!!!
oh? i didnt know you were a leftie. just noticed. ah, how unobservant of me... XD
:'( yeah i did. but hawker fella what do u expect from them? the auntie just went like quick quick take back i cook again for u! -__-
yeah! woah! leishia can draw! /is very proud of her first "paint" drawing! and yes, u better rememeber the date!
LOL faint on the spot! no need so drama lah! actually i do think the green colour of the catepete is quite fascinating... :x
!!!! (everytime u comment my mind will be filled with exclamation marks!!!!)!!!!!!! lol because u are... astonishing like that!
and u actually observed, noticed, and deduced a theory out of a paint drawing!!! *Applause kau kau* ur amazing! x_x
eheh. i did that on purpose.. ;)
but actually, i've seen this post a few times.. i only paid attention cause jap made a reference to microsoft paint.. i was of the impression it was photoshop all along.. cause i thought i saw the pen tool there.. but okay, you probably can do such things in paint as well.. =)
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