The Ops. PigOut @ Ogawa Japanese Kitchen was awesome! I won’t speak for the rest lah, but I had a total kick-assed blast! And guess what, the get-together actually hooked up some old classmates which was so cool!!! *feels very achieved having done a good deed. Zen out*
Aw man! Happy food and happy friends make me really one rainbowed happy camper! :))) We should really do this more often!
Actually I’m just really lazy to blog lah, zzzz so I’ll leave you with some pictures (but I colour-enhanced them!). There weren’t much photos taken though, we were busy… uh, pigging out. Next round we should put more effort to invite camwhores to join the party! Heh.

The happy piggies! (I'd stitch up the photos and make them seamless. But whatddayanoe! I'm lazy liddat :)
And from here on I'm lazy already so no more captions. Food and randomness!

wahey! I'm dat some dude who got the nice drinking cup! wheee...
*honestly, it's nothing to be jealous about*
haha! yes, fun fun! let's do it again!
haha! yes, fun fun! let's find a cheaper place!
so that's ur... erm, "sensational comment"? -__-
At least I got comment ler... who's anupam and why's she/he advertising undies on your blog?
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