-Visit dentist
-Glam up my new wardrobe
-Movie marathon @ home (HK soaps! Crazily time sapping activity! lol)
-Make lamb stew again! And chicken pongteh, and beef soup, and potato sambal, and a yoghurt dessert! Man I might as well throw a dinner party! xD
-Blog like mad and flood the cyberspace with my decade old pictures
-Revive my other blog with proper reviews -_-
-Haircut (how ‘bout chop everything off like Essie’s... or Rachel's! But too lazy to maintain. Le sigh. I need advice girls!)
-Sweat a bucket every other day and tone up for goodness sake HOleishia!!! (see, lijen, no more “hole is hia” ok! -___-''')
-Play with make ups
-Shopping on my own
Family time:
-Shopping with my sisters
-Invite Polly to stay over (Important: polish and shine the floor first!)
-Spend time with grandma at home… Ooo, maybe invite her and her maid over my place for a stay over too! (then got
-Dine more at home with Jason
-Cook a full meal for my family!
-Baking with my sisters. Banana bread and cookies! Yum!
-Melaka trip! Gonna fry up a mean curry paste for Jason’s mom and sis!
Friends time:
-Movie marathon @ cinema with Sailorsim
-Day trip to Pulau Ketam (2nd Saturday of August: everyone’s welcomed to join because we’ll be taking KTM!!!)
-Ops. PigOut II
-Catch up with friends (buzz me! buzz me! Me me ME!!!)
-Shopping with friends
Anything else I left out?
* new items will be added to the itineraries as and when.
* looks like all the above agenda will be quite damaging to

As promised, TwinnyBoys, here's the pictures I mentioned to give you! :)))
Ta now!
Oh wait, ta for good! The next I post, it won't be from my current office anymore. Oh did I tell you that I resigned? Yeah well I resigned! :D