I had to skip and walk on sofas
just to avoid all furry contact with you

I was icky like that
But then you look every bit an angel
God must’ve spent a little more time on you
How cheesy but it’s true
Looking so serene in your baby naps

I couldn’t resist it
And I gingerly stretched a finger on your sleepy head
It didn’t feel too bad
So out went another finger
And another, and another

I was like a proud mom
When I managed to hold you in my arms
It was such a monumental moment
That you were in my arms
When I managed to hold you in my arms
It was such a monumental moment
That you were in my arms
I was shrieking and jumping in joy
And I intend it to be that way
Forever and ever, to have and to hold

And I intend it to be that way
Forever and ever, to have and to hold

If only it can be so
Your presence at home three years ago
Had ease so much of tension
And brought so much of joy
You thought us that there are more things in life

Your presence at home three years ago
Had ease so much of tension
And brought so much of joy
You thought us that there are more things in life

Than problems, tears, and silly wars
You thought us how to laugh, to love, to be a dotting parent
And who would’ve thought, you thought us life

You thought us how to laugh, to love, to be a dotting parent
And who would’ve thought, you thought us life

Now that you are a grand old age of three
All grown up and… crazily furry, we must say
We are so proud of your achievements -
Stop chewing shoes altogether is one of it :)

All grown up and… crazily furry, we must say
We are so proud of your achievements -
Stop chewing shoes altogether is one of it :)

May you have a happy, long, and prosperous life
as how you’ve brought us so much of joy,
We don’t even know where to start counting
So happy birthday it is lah, I wish you in its truest sense
Here’s my tiny present for you,
A little dedication with a silly doodling poem
Have a great time kicking ass at home
Just make sure you don’t trip grandma over, ok?
May you have a happy, long, and prosperous life
as how you’ve brought us so much of joy,
We don’t even know where to start counting
So happy birthday it is lah, I wish you in its truest sense
Here’s my tiny present for you,
A little dedication with a silly doodling poem
Have a great time kicking ass at home
Just make sure you don’t trip grandma over, ok?